Sunday, June 23, 2013

360 wave journey

Oh yeah it's your boy Luther! LOL

Nah seriously. I'm trying to get 360 waves after I got scalped last April of this year. I've been trying for around 2 months now. I got "0" cut:

If you don't know what 360 waves are -- Short 360 Hair Waves (often shortened to waves or "360 waves") is a hairstyle, generally worn by men. The hair is cropped short to the head in the styling of a Caesar cut. There are brushing techniques that will result in the resemblance of "oceanic waves" in the hair. Frequent and repeated brushing (along with adequate moisturizing) is the only way that this hairstyle is maintained- although the amount of brushing may vary from person to person as the type of hair changes. "360 Waves" are the result of curls of hair that unfurl, allowing natural "rows" of roots to be exposed. As the hair lengthens in a process called wolfing, the waver can achieve "deeper" waves by allowing the hair to grow out; preferably 4–10 weeks.



Moving on....I've been wolfin' for 4 weeks and this is what I've got so far:

After combing it:


Yeah Yeah...I know I'm far off because my hair ain't nappy. Need to wolf for an extra 2-3 months more.
I'll post an update soon.

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